Mike’s Alias Collection
Quick and Dirty things
alias devBoot="SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=localdb gradle bootRun" alias gitdev="git pull origin dev" alias l="ls -l" alias unzip="unzip -q" alias srcstatus="svn status src" alias srccommit="svn commit src" alias edit=$EDITOR alias dl='dirs -v' alias c=clear alias grep="grep --color=auto "
alias dockup="docker-compose up -d" alias dockdown="docker-compose down"
Random git stuff
Most of things require git-smart. And has been replaced by Magit, but once in a while I still use them
alias gss='git status --short' alias gl='git smart-log' alias gm='git smart-merge' alias gup='git smart-pull'
Grails stuff
alias gclean="grails clean" alias gapp="grails clean && grails run-app" alias gtest="grails clean && grails test-app" alias gwar="grails clean && grails war"
Misc Fun
alias weather="curl wttr.in"
I found it difficult to add parameters to my aliases but found in zsh anyway (and probably bash) that I could use functions. This was also handy for multi-line aliases. Instead of a bunch of little scripts around, I keep them in here as shell functions.
This is uses the Yubikey command line interface to find my 2FA codes. Goodbye GUI, hello CLI. Installed with port install ykman
. see https://support.yubico.com/support/solutions/articles/15000012643-yubikey-manager-cli-ykman-user-guide#ykman_oathfmulw6
function yubi () { ykman oath code $1 }
Misc ones I’ve had forever
function newlibs () { svn status lib|egrep "^\?"|gawk -F/ '{print "${project.lib.dir}/"$2":\\"}' } function lookwar() { unzip -c $1.ear $1.war|jar t } function addsrcs() { srcstatus|egrep "^\?"| awk '{print $2}'|xargs svn add } function grepJars() { for x in `find . -name "*.jar"`; do echo $x unzip -l $x|grep $1 done } function svnstat() { tmpfile=/tmp/svn-diff.$$ svn diff "$@" > $tmpfile typeset -i added removed delta added=$(grep '^+' $tmpfile | wc -l) removed=$(grep '^-' $tmpfile | wc -l) delta=$((added - removed)) if [ $delta -lt 0 ]; then deltachr=”-” elif [ $delta -eq 0 ]; then deltachr=” ” else deltachr=”+” fi svn status echo ” + ${added} lines” echo ” - ${removed} lines” echo ” ${deltachr} ${delta} lines overall” rm -f $tmpfile } function listwar() { appname=$(echo $PWD|awk -F/ '{print $NF}') unzip -l build/war/$appname.war } function listear() { appname=$(echo $PWD|awk -F/ '{print $NF}') unzip -l build/ear/$appname.ear } function listjar() { appname=$(echo $PWD|awk -F/ '{print $NF}') unzip -l build/lib/$appname.jar } function winmacaddr() { ipconfig /all|grep "Physical Address"|awk -F : '{print $2}' } function testerror() { file=$(find build/test/reports -name "TEST-*$1*") less $file } function findGrep() { find $1 -name "$2" |xargs grep $3 } funtion empty() { rm $1 touch $1 } function ldirs() { (( count=0)) for x in $(dirs); do echo "+$count\t$x" ((count+=1)) done } function jconsole() { thisdir=$PWD cd $JAVA_HOME/bin/ ./jconsole -pluginpath ../demo/scripting/jconsole-plugin/jconsole-plugin.jar & cd $thisdir } function mkdatedir() { mkdir `date +%Y%m%d%H%M` }
source ~/.private-aliases