Direnv config

This a basic config for Direnv, which is really for shell configurations in a per-folder basis. Using it with emacs-direnv makes Emacs pick up the per-folder config and use it.


The following are defining functions that I use in python projects to define the pyenv folder. I step through what I have in each individual folder here. Of course, I have it in a local org-recipe which I pull in when I need it

use_python() {
    if [ -n "$(which pyenv)" ]; then
        local pyversion=$1
        pyenv local ${pyversion}

layout_virtualenv() {
    local pyversion=$1
    local pvenv=$2
    if [ -n "$(which pyenv virtualenv)" ]; then
        pyenv virtualenv --force --quiet ${pyversion} ${pvenv}-${pyversion}
    pyenv local --unset

layout_activate() {
    if [ -n "$(which pyenv)" ]; then
        source $(pyenv root)/versions/$1/bin/activate